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    UNIT 18 Global Business Environment

    University: Regent college

    • Unit No: 18
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 26 / Words 6392
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 83

    Global Business Environment


    The global business environment consists of various internal and external factors that directly influence a company’s management activities and operations. These factors can positively impact business, enabling managers to make well-informed decisions. However, organizations also face numerous challenges, such as political, legal, and social issues, which can negatively affect their performance. This assignment focuses on Tufwell Glass, a small to medium-sized glass manufacturing company based in Crawley (Aguilera and Crespi-Cladera, 2016). The company offers a wide range of in-stock flat glass products at competitive prices. As Tufwell Glass looks to expand its business globally, several key factors and strategies within the global environment must be considered. Additionally, the impact of globalization on decision-making strategies, along with the role of global market determinants on society and the structure of organizations, will also be discussed.

    TASK 1

    Globalization refers to the process of interchanging entire goods and services by using several kinds of tools and techniques along with accurate information to transfer one place to another (Boshyk, 2016). Therefore, functions of globalisation always influence firms and the working performance of employees at the workplace. So that it is always concerned as an efficient process in which economies have become effectively integrated as well as interdependent. With the help of this, people can interact with each other and be able to meet new challenges and aspects within society for the better development of the country. In context with Tufwell Glass, it is the best way to increase marketing share, profitability, and sales of the firm by reducing negative factors. So that it is helpful for this glass to gain competitive advantages in an appropriate manner. By offering huge opportunities for people in society as well as in the firm, we increase people's confidence and encourage them towards work. That's why globalisation plays a very significant role within the workplace and society. There are different types of driving factors within globalization; those are discussed below:

    Get Global Business Environment

    Driving factors of globalisation:

    On the basis of driving factors, there are assorted kinds of components that immediately determine the general purpose and dealing of firms positively. Whereas, all of the driving forces generally influence the business of a firm, which consist of marketing factors, cost, and technological advancement, as explained below:

    Environmental factor: It is one of the main important factors that is used by every firm or business in order to measure the overall situation of the market at the current period of time. In the case of the Tufwell Glass organisation, they develop smart glass so that they are needed to have accurate information about the environment by which they can make a few safety tools and satisfy customers needs so that they can expand their business globally (Aithal, 2017). For example, due to globalization, climate and weather conditions can be affected so that the respective firm is needed to follow all over industrial activity by which they can protect their goods, but it will increase cost for the company as they adopt several power and energetic tools to keep their goods safe. 

    Marketing factor: Within the market scenario, there are so many issues and conflicts that are faced by the organization day to day. But the most important thing is that by following so many issues and problems, Tufwell Glass can get opportunities and be able to expand its business into the global market. It will help them to achieve their goals, respectively. For example, if Tufwell Glass sells its services and goods in a perfect way, then they have opportunities to expand their business in a proper mode, which will reduce the huge cost from the firms and give them better opportunities.

    Competition factor: While operating business within the country, this factor generally influences all over the programs of business. Therefore, in order to expand business in the global market, Tufwell Glass is mainly needed to make better structures and policies by which they can overcome competition and be able to gain desired goals. Globalization leads to maximisation of competition so that it can be related to any product and service, cost and price, technological adoption, and so on. In order to adopt all these functions, they are needed to spend huge money, and it will affect them negatively.

    Cost factor: This is the most essential factor that shows the accurate price of any goods within the firm (Kasemsap, 2016). Whereas cost involves sales, production, man, material, machine, and so on. For increasing business in the global market, Tufwell Glass should consider all these assorted factors by which they can build a better image in front of the marketplace. Due to globalization, there are so many non-renewable resources, which mainly increase pollution and global warming. It will affect the overall functions of an organisation and increase fund issues for the respective firm.

    From the above-mentioned factors, it can be said that globalisation is one of the major factors that influence firms and business operations positively and negatively, both. Tufwell Glass Company needs to analyse all of these factors in order to conduct tasks in an effective manner. This is because it has numerous factors that can be used by Tufwell Glass firms. Therefore, all these factors are important for firms in order to improve their business work and product quality as well. Along with that, they face some negative aspects, but by facing this type of issue in the workplace, they can make some alterations and be able to overcome the negative impact of globalisation on the business. 

    Impinging of analogue application upon globalization:

    Digital technology is increasing rapidly, which gives people a better platform in order to formulate new business strategies and tools to achieve organisational goals. Along with this, it always fulfills requirements of firms and people by which they can influence others towards work. So digital technologies comes in various forms, such as online websites, software, online operations, including new tools and techniques, etc. in the case of Tufwell Glass organisation, digital technology effectively influence their system of making better structure positively. With the help of this, they can achieve huge profit globally. Therefore, these assorted techniques are the most important part of each and every person as well as organisation to gain better image in marketplace.

    Apart from this, there are other factors of globalisation which instantly cause entire use and trading operations of an structure; those are as follows:

    International economic integration: With the help of this type of integration by economy into the different areas and locations, firms can overcome trade barriers. In context with Tufwell Glass, it is essential factor by which can conduct trading globally and be able to reduce few issues to expand business properly.

    International Business and Trade: It depends upon basic situation when a firm tried to conduct international trade of products, funds, services and technologies crosswise domestic boundaries (Dubey, 2016). Herein, Tufwell Glass follows this function to maximize its business into the global market.

    In order to overcome few issues from the firm, there are few digital technologies which help businesses achieve its goals, explained below:

    E-commerce: is the procedure of buying and selling effective goods and services at marketplace. In context with Tufwell Glass, they can easily use this services in order to make its business productive and profitable as well.

    Social media: In current scenario, this service is increasing instantly because most people buy or purchase goods from online. Therefore, respective firm is needed to have these facilities, buy which they can promote its business in global market (Doh, Luthans and Slocum, 2016).

    In order to make effective decisions, companies are needed to have different types of factors by which they can take better determination in an appropriate manner. In regards to Tufwell Glass, they always use unique ways of decision-making by which they can easily understand marketing situations and be able to influence their employees positively. Therefore, the decision-making process is always based on realistic factors by which the company can face different issues and be able to resolve them. Along with this, there is PESTLE analysis given in context with the Tufwell Glass organization, mentioned below: 


    It is the process of managing every factor of the firm in command to score concern in a smooth way. Along with it, it also influences people in both affirmative and perverse ways in an appropriate manner. This analysis is going to be discussed below:

    Political factor: In order to extend business in another place, Tufwell Glass is required to measure the overall market condition to make it's business successful. This is because every country has its own rules and regulations; therefore, the respective firm is needed to follow them properly, and then they can run their business efficiently.

    • Negative impact: If we talk about current global issues due to this factor, there are so many key elements, whereas one of them is unemployment, which usually occurs when an individual who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Therefore. It can be used as a measure of the health of the economy. Therefore, it has a negative impact on business and reduces just because education is the most necessary skill for employment for people in order to get better jobs at a good workplace. In relation to Tufwell Glass, this factor of unemployment exists a lot, as they always want to have highly skilled employees in order to work smartly and effectively to achieve targeted goals.
    • Positive impact: the UK generally consists of England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, which is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Therefore, respected organizations are needed to adopt modern manufacturing processes in order to run their business in a smooth manner. As the UK carries good relations with the United States so that they have great power to achieve goals through increasing its work in a great manner.

    Economical factor: This factor comes under economy changes such as inflation rate, exchange rate, and so on. Herein, Tufwell Glass should focus on their overall business strategy to satisfy customers desires and needs (Keivanpour, Kadi, and Mascle, 2017). The security and well-being factor of this analysis shows that in order to remove these global issues, firms are needed to have good security skills for their employees.

    • Positive impact: Tufwell Glass can also get affected by this factor just because they have a good working culture along with lots of safety tools, so they can get better output from employees. In addition to this, it is necessary for the Tufwell Glass organization that they make their product as per the UK government, which can get benefits at the marketplace as well.
    • Negative impact: Along with this, they are needed to understand several economic troubles in which the government is able to take so many steps in order to bring improvements to the economy. If a respected firm puts flexible cost strategies on their product so that people can easily purchase their services, it will increase the firm's profits as well as productivity.

    Social factor: It is based on different types of culture, lifestyle, values, norms, communities, and so on. By focusing on these assorted factors, the respective firm can segment their goods and be able to give desirable products to customers.

    • Negative impact: On behalf of this factor, violence can be found as a major global issue within the world. As it is a well-known issue, herein, restive firms are required to have lots of safety tools in order to overcome this negative factor and run business smoothly by giving satisfaction to employees as well.
    • Positive impact: the UK has a big market for consumers, so according to the previous data, it can be said that the population of the UK was 66.4 million in 2018. Within the present scenario, the standard of people is increasing day to day, along with firms developing different types of products and services for customers to satisfy their needs and wants. Herein Tufweel Glass Company requires to produce their products at an affordable price in order to gain positive outcomes among better futures.

    Environmental factor: According to this element of PESTLE analysis, it is necessary for the respective firm to make various strategies and tools to target a large number of customers by protecting their glasses from it.

    • Negative impact: Substance abuse is one of the major causes just because lots of people in the world use different types of drugs, which is not good for them to consume and than work. Therefore, if a firm will have this kind of employee, then it can reduce their value, so they should use some new techniques in order to overcome this global issue.
    • Positive impact: The environmental factor has so many activities that directly impact the environment; therefore, the UK has prepared different types of improvements in order to overcome negative impact. In context with the respective firm, it can be said that they use the manufacturing process of glass so that they are needed to focus on all over challenging conditions through which they can meet customer's desired goals and be able to produce qualitative goods and services.

    Technological factor: At present, technologies are increasing rapidly, which consist of various tools such as e-mail, websites, and social sites to advertise their appropriate goods and services. In reference to the respective firm, they are using high-class quality glass to attract customers by applying different designs.

    • Negative impact: Terrorism is the world's largest cause due to globalization, which attacks innocent people often without warning. In relation to the respective firm, in order to remove this globalisation factor, they use proper safety tools and technologies in order to keep their work and employees safe to get better opportunities in the future.
    • Positive impact: London is the better place, which has numerous techniques and financial institutions, so further profit of Tuwell Glass business manager of this firms can easily recruit candidates from there and make every employee worthy for company. With the help of lots of contributions from employees, this can make unique ways and strategical ideas to bring innovative technologies into their designer glasses, which directly influence people at the marketplace.

    Legal factor: It consists of so many laws and legislations by which firms can protect themselves in order to stay at the marketplace for a long period of time. Therefore, in order to properly follow this factor, the respective company is needed to have appropriate policies that can satisfy customers needs.

    • Negative impact: As per the UK government, it can be said that the respective firm should focus on a lack of education as it can develop inequality along with poverty. Therefore, for protecting their work, they should decrease this factor in order to gain a positive response from the economy.
    • Positive impact: The Employment Act was developed in 1996 in order to protect the overall rights of employees, which come under the minimum wages, holidays, pay, sick pay, and several other rights that are legally protected. Therefore, Tufwell Glass is needed to have this type of act in the workplace so that they easily influence others and employees also give better outcomes. 

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    TASK 2

    Globalization is always considered one of the better tools, which is very helpful for each and every business to run smoothly. In context with Tufwell Glass, there are different types of challenges from strategies that are faced by them while operating in a global environment; those are going to be discussed below:

    Expanding cost: During the cost expansion, the respective firm needed huge funds in order to make their services of glass in a better way. By facing this challenge, they also faced so many issues that impacted their business functions and activities.

    More competition: When a stiff spreads out its enterprise into the planetary activity, then there are numerous factors that are faced by Tufwell Glass. As they deal with specialist glasses and decorative glass with different shapes and styles, so that into the market there is already some this type of firm, which reduces the productivity of this organisation and creates a negative image. Therefore, these sorts of situations make huge competition.

    Jobs quality: During the globalization, this type of problem may accrue, which is needed to create huge job opportunities for those candidates who are willing to see a job in the country (Chekh and Vinnyk, 2017). 

    International trade law: It refers to the set of different types of agreements and laws that are mainly developed between countries. Along with it, develop so many rules and laws for the countries in order to do business from the borders. In reference to Tufwell Glass, they face this type of challenge in business scenarios sometimes. For example, if the Tufwell Glass organisation is not able to follow this law towards their work, then they need to face a few challenges within the workplace.

    Economies of globalisation: It maximizes the interdependence of world economies in order to get effective results towards the growing flow of interactional capital, spread of techniques, and so on. Herein Tufwell Glass should accept this challenge by which they can understand different types of ways of economic globalisation. Along with it, it can be beneficial for them to achieve targeted goals through following different types of laws.

    Environmental impact: It can have negative results for any business or firm. Within the environment, there are so many laws and regulations that have been developed by the country's government. So that it can influence other firms in a negative way. Herein, Tufwell Glass needed to understand all these things by which they can overcome this factor due to globalization, and it can be difficult for firms to achieve desired goals.

    On the basis of these assorted strategic challenges while operating, globalisation negatively impacts this Tufwell Glass firm, so that they face so many situations during that time. Therefore, there are some technical strategies that will help them to overcome these challenges and make them attractive; those are discussed below: 

    Overcome these challenges:

    As per the above-mentioned detail, it has been recommended to Tufwell Glass that they should follow those criteria by which they can reduce assorted challenges and achieve its goals. First, the firm should apply those scenarios by which they can conduct appropriate research and be able to know the entire situation of the current market. By focusing on it, they can make better ways to remove these issues.

    Currency exchange rates: This is most essential aspect which should be used by respective firm. With the help of this, they can exchange rates for another; therefore, it is also considered as a core value of country relations as well (Cumming and Zahra, 2016).

    Inflation: It refers to the quantitative measures that show the average level of price. If respective firms will use this technique, then they can reduce challenges from the firm and increase its currency at a large level.

    Tariffs: It is a tax value that is generally applied to imports and exports between different states. It is also considered a regulation of foreign trade by which international goods can increase the value of domestic firms in a secure way. Therefore, it should be used by this firm to increase business value.

    International trade laws: It refers to the various laws or agreements as well, which are followed by country and firm. When the respective firm will use this technique to overcome challenges, then they can easily create strong relations with the country and be able to achieve desired objectives.

    National income: It mention to the entire worth of monetary system which is earned by business or firm. This should be used by respective firm to gain efficient commodities at marketplace to make better image within the marketplace .

    By having so many tools and techniques in order to minimise the strategical challenges, Tufwell Glass can easily expand its business while focusing on all over the global environmental issues. Therefore, it can be said that if firms properly use these strategies, it will impact their business in a positive way.

    TASK 3

    In order to gain huge success at the marketplace, the manager of Tufwell Glass is needed to adopt various things by which they can work properly and be able to achieve success. There are different types of structure, culture, and leadership functions; those are discussed below:

    Structure: It is the form of agreement that is interrelated with various elements of the firm and is operated and managed by Tufwell Glass to make attractive designs and shapes of glasses.

    Culture: It refers to the different types of people in nature, behavior, and human societies. For this, Tufwell Glass is following various sorts of culture for employees by which they can fulfil their requirements and increase the firm's productivity.

    Governance: It is the way of governing various sorts of aspects such as formal and informal organisation, social media, and the state as well (Kasemsap, 2017). Herein, Tufwell Glass is able to develop effective interaction with people in order to take better decisions towards the firm.

    Globalization can also be defined by using McKinsey's model to search for better strategies for a better future. There are few aspects in relation to this model, followed by Tufwell Glass, mentioned below:

    Strategy: It helps Tufwell Glass organisation to make unique strategies and techniques in order to reduce negative factors from the firm and helps to gain competitive advantages properly.

    Pros: By having this type of technique, they can achieve their targeted goals and be able to offer different types of products to firms.

    Cons: This factor can reduce the value of a firm if it is not followed properly.

    Structure: It is based on the respective firm in that they are designing different types of glasses and they are communicative with employees in the firm. By having proper structure, they can achieve their goals.

    Pros: This model helps firms to make their structure better, which attracts a large number of people appropriately.

    Cons: If organizations do not have any kind of structure, it can minimise the firm's profit.

    System: According to this key component, Tufwell Glass is needed to maintain their overall services in order to make effective systems by following different tools and techniques.

    Pros: Having a unique system in the firm, the manager of the Tufwell Glass organisation is able to maintain its overall work and functions to achieve goals.

    Cons: It also increases the value of the firm; if they are not able to make this system, then it can develop a negative image of the firm in front of its customers.

    Shared value: It refers to the soft approach in which Tufwell Glass manages its overall values towards the system. Along with this, they provide accurate information to employees properly.

    Pros: By sharing thoughts from one person to another, the manager of this firm is able to make good ideas and make their work better.

    Cons: If a firm will not share their value, they cannot take any action towards attaining goals.

    Style: This firm always performs their actions in a unique style by which they can measure different factors into the market (Kasemsap, 2018). 

    Staff: By having a large number of people as a workforce, they can give better performance and be able to offer training and develop programs for increasing employee's knowledge and skills effectively.

    Skills: It shows innovative aspects towards employees knowledge and their work as well. In order to motivate and encourage employees, Tufwell Glass needs to have a few strategies in order to check the value of their skills to achieve perfect growth of business. 

    Pros: Therefore, skills, staff, and style play a significant role within each and every firm by which they can achieve their targeted goals and influence employees in firms along with encouraging them towards achieving proper goals and objectives.

    Cons: On the same side, if a firm is not able to use these types of functions, they are not able to gain a competitive scenario, and that creates a negative image of the firm in front of others.

    Hofstede's dimensions of culture:

    This model directly influences the system of Tufwell Glass' functions by following six dimensions, explained below:

    Power distance index: It is based on equalities and helps employees within the firm to reduce errors by having effective tools of power in regards to the achievements of goals. Individualism vs. collectivism: This type of dimension of culture is mainly completed by group members and people to set targeted goals towards organizations (Trad and Kalpi, 2019).

    Uncertainty Avoidance: In this, most of the firm uses some situations in order to develop a better process of globalisation with the help of a few employees.

    Masculinity vs. Femininity: According to this, both female and male employees work within the Tufwell Glass firm to make it attractive.

    Long-term vs. short-term orientation: It shows the strong relationship between employees and the manager of the firm to fulfil their needs at the business place.

    Indulgence vs. Restraint: In this type of culture, the respective firm gives very much freedom to employees within the firm.

    From the above-mentioned model, it can be said that if they follow different types of tools and strategies given by them, they always create positive ways for them to raise awareness in the customer's mind. But sometimes, this glass organisation is not able to follow and implement those strategies through Hofstede's dimension culture, which can minimise their productivity for people at the marketplace.

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    Sustainable globalization is the process of maximisation of business within the globe. With the help of this, Tufwell Glass can easily sustain their business by attaining targeted goals and objectives. This can be described as fundamental changes or transformations that can be used by organizations in order to enhance business activities. Sustainable globalisation will have an impact on organisational activities as well as help in performing tasks in an effective manner.

    Ethical globalisation: With the help of this process, firms can easily transfer their goods and services with appropriate information, which helps with ethical globalisation. It will help employees increase their satisfaction by achieving targeted goals (Liébana-Cabanillas, Muñoz-Leiva, and Sánchez-Fernández, 2018). It is important for the respective company to follow all rules and regulations that are set by the government. Through ethical globalization, a company will be able to offer its products and services in a correct and appropriate manner.

    Apart from this, there are few functions played by and organisation in context with Tufwell Glass towards sustainable and ethical ways, discussed below:

    Finance: It is very helpful for Tufwell Glass in order to achieve targeted goals appropriately. Along with this, employees can make effective financial statements to increase firms value effectively.

    Marketing: With the help of this tool, the respective firm is able to implement those strategies in which they can use different marketing tools to sustain for a long period of time at the marketplace.

    Human resources: It is one of the most effective tools that is used by each and every organization in order to increase Tufwell Glass productivity by having a talented workforce to increase the working efficiency of employees effectively.

    On the basis of the above ethical and sustainable aspect, it can be said that all those elements specified above are very useful for the respective firm to achieve its organizational growth, and it helps to expand business into the global market.

    Poverty: In this, firms are needed to meet the basic and general needs of an organization, like clothing, foods, and political elements as well. Through analyzing all these assorted needs and wants of people, they are able to give solutions to them.

    Crime: It refers to the unlawful act punishable through government authority and state. In context with modern criminal law, they have been offered a few aspects for certain purposes in order to overcome this factor from the nation.

    Exploitation of labor: It is the act of treating people or workers unfairly for gaining their own benefits. So that it is considered a social relationship that is based on a power relationship between workers and their employees.

    Thus, it has been analyzed that there are various factors that will have an impact on the performance of the respective company. It is essential that respective company is considering those components in order to grow business. In order to remove all these factors, Tufwell Glass gives suggestions to different organizations that they do not have sorts of aspects within the firm. Along with that, they should make certain rules and policies in order to achieve targeted goals through overcoming negative issues.

    TASK 4


    There are different ways that could be adopted by the respective company in order to make decisions effectively work. It is essential for organizations to analyse as well as evaluate different ways that will help them implement decisions in the correct manner. This will help in achieving desired goals and objectives of this company. Different ways that could be used by respective organizations for making decisions work effectively in a global business environment.

    • Objective analysis: It is essential that decisions taken by organizations match with set objectives. Respective companies need to analyse as well as evaluate the objectives of business in order to take better decisions. This will help in effective working in a global context.
    • Effective communication: A decision taken by the organization needs to be communicated effectively to the employees. This will help in resolving issues as well as conducting task in effective manner at global level.

    Flat organization:

    It refers to the firm's structure with different types of levels of management towards staff members and management. It helps businesses promote their services by increasing the decision-making process in a proper manner.

    Tall organization:

    It can be broken down within some hierarchy, and it will have a large number of managers who are responsible for controlling and managing different types of operations in the firm.

    From the above organizational structure, it can be said that a flat organization is beneficial for the respective firm in order to achieve targeted goals and objectives in a different mode. Therefore, it is an essential tool of a firm that influences others and team members positively.


    It is considered a hierarchical level within firms that generally has authority to make effective decisions to gain competitive advantages and scenario appropriately. Along with this aspect of business also used by the Tufwell Glass organization in order to manage their overall operations and functions in a proper way to achieve targeted goals and objectives in a perfect manner.


    This situation creates when a few firms are not able to use their own power and take support from other business firms in order to expand their business in the right direction with the right mode. Therefore, the Tufwell Glass organization should improve their manufacturing process so that they can attain future needs and goals in a perfect way. Hence, a firm is needed to have a specific vision to reach target goals.

    Decision-making strategy:

    Sometimes it can be difficult for firms to take effective decisions, but this situation comes within large organizations. In context with Tufwell Glass, they made decisions on the basis of the collaboration of employees and itself as well. With the help of this, they can share their thoughts and ideas in order to achieve targeted goals.

    Strategy Diamond:

    It is considered a complex way to identify, visualize, and summarize numerous strategies towards several goods and services. In reference to the Tufwell Glass organization, they use this type of strategy in a rare way in order to show its overall pieces and bits of strategy to cope with general factors of an organization in a stipulated mode.

    Leadership change:

    It refers to the ability that influences different types of resources, such as vision, mission, and drive, in order to build a solid platform for changing a firm's scenario in a positive way. In reference to the respective organization, if they followed it, then they could make better relations with lots of employees and be able to guide them towards the betterment of the future.

    Therefore, it has been recommended to firms that they should use different types of aspects to make their goods and services effective, by which they can reach a high level of scale in which they can perform well and play every action for developing unique factors in a proper way.

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    Within the current period of time, most of the firms are trying to expand their businesses on a large scale. In order to expand business in such a way, Tufwell Glass is following a few aspects by which they can increase its business level and be able to gain huge benefits; those are explained below:

    Licenses: With the help of this tool, an organisation can get an appropriate license in order to operate its business activities efficiently. In regards to Tufwell Glass, they use this tool in order to reach a high level without facing any issues at global markets. Therefore, it is necessary for them to get a chance to gain numerous opportunities for resolving each and every issue within the business place (Akhmetshin et al., 2018).

    Exporting: Another route is exporting, which refers to the process of delivering appropriate goods and services from one place to another. In relation to Tufwell Glass, they are highly exporting its glasses to other countries, by which they can make a good image at the marketplace and be able to enhance their profits as well.

    There are several barriers or issues that could be faced by the company while implementing business activities at the global level. Respective company needs to analyse all of these barriers in order to resolve them. This will help in conducting tasks in an effective manner. Various are various barriers, and these are mentioned below in detail.

    • Tariff and trade restrictions: There are various strict rules and regulations set by the government that will have a negative impact on the performance of the organization. Tariff and trade restrictions are one of the major barriers.
    • Technological barrier: This barrier includes a lack of technology or technical support to the organization. This will affect business performance as well as productivity. Due to technological barriers, the respective company will not be able to conduct business activities effectively.

    From those routes, Tufwell Glass is able to easily expand its business in a perfect way at the global marketplace. Along with this, if a firm is not able to take a license and other government-approved papers, then they can get a negative loss. Therefore, they should use both of the governmental-approved things in order to gain a better future effectively.


    According to the above respective report, it has been concluded that globalisation consists of various sorts of internal and external factors in order to change the internal functions of an organisation. Assignment Help & plagiarism check Free services can support the analysis of these factors. There are different types of external factors, like political, legal, social, etc., that directly impact business functions, both positively and negatively. Along with these, all are helpful to measure the overall condition of the market effectively. With the help of this, a firm can easily extend its business to global markets. Apart from this, there are different sorts of globalisation drivers by which companies can take appropriate decisions in order to reduce strategic challenges and gain successful business growth.

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